Kenny's Happy Life with an Airwheel Electric Scooter

  • Source:Airwheel

Abstract: Kenny used to be a girl who preferred to enjoy the time of her own, reading a book, drawing a picture, taking a photo of the nature, or playing the piano, rather than spend her time with others.

To everyone's surprise, there was a change in her temperament since she got an Airwheel electric scooter from her father who bought for her as her 10-year-old birthday.

Airwheel Q5

Kenny used to be a girl who preferred to enjoy the time of her own, reading a book, drawing a picture, taking a photo of the nature, or playing the piano, rather than spend her time with others. To everyone's surprise, there was a change in her temperament since she got an Airwheel electric scooter from her father who bought for her as her 10-year-old birthday.

Airwheel X3

At the very beginning, when Kenny took the present from her father and took it out, she was startled as well by the unexpected gift. It was completely out of her expectation that his father would buy her something that was not concerned with art like music and painting. An Airwheel electric one wheel is the final choice he made that might be suitable. Yet his father noticed that his daughter, compared with other children of her age, was far more composed probably due to his own mode of parenting.

Airwheel S3T

First of all, an Airwheel intelligent one wheel scooter was a kind of device to be better ridden outdoors so that its users can take a breath of the fresh air and spend more time with the nature. One only need to stand on it and move it forward or backward, turn left or right, accelerate or decelerate by the appropriate leaning of his body.

And Kenny's father was right. It had been proved that Kenny was more extroverted and more willing to make friends with others than before. Sometimes, she could choose to hang out with her friends to the park with the Airwheel electric scooter as her companion.

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